

Top 5 International Security Notes - Sept 5, 2015


[Read the following International Security Notes here]

The digest of International Security Notes for Sept 5, 2015, covers:
  • Libya chaos deepens
  • Why Australia in Mid East Fight
  • Yemeni Scud War with Saudi Arabia
  • Exploring the Transatlantic Rift
  • Iran Deal Analysis

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Top 5 International Security Notes

1. Libya Faces Deepening Chaos

 The recent resignation of Libya's prime minister is just the latest of problems as a unity government appears distant. The IS (Islamic State) continues to increase its grip. The NATO-US campaign dethroned long-time Gaddafi regime  and opened Pandora's box including a dire refugee crisis.

2. Once Again, Australians Are Fighting in the Middle East. Why?

Australia, victim of radical Islamic terror attacks and whose citizens have joined the IS, is entangled in the Middle East politico-military affairs. The Canberra-Tehran "informal arrangement" against IS drew attention earlier this year.

3.  Yemeni Scud War with Saudi Arabia

The Saudi-UAE battle against Iranian proxy Houthi rebels in Yemen has another dimension - the Scud attacks into Saudi Arabia. So far the Saudis have knocked down the Scuds, reportedly supplied by Iran's ally, North Korea.

4. Exploring the Transatlantic Rift

Relations between the US and its European allies has been marked by drift at best and competition at worst, with a primary focus on economic affairs.
The recent Grexit economic crisis also underscored uneasiness about the entire EU project.

5. Iran Deal Analysis

As the Iran deal - whatever its merits - reaches success in the US Senate, analysts offer suggestions how to improve the accord amid concerns the IAEA is equipped to implement it. "Day after" thinking is helpful to prepare for its consequences.

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A. J. Phelps is a pseudonym for an analyst of global affairs and author of international thriller fiction. Check out his debut novel, Havana Dawn.  

Follow him on Twitter at ajphelpsauthor1.

photo credit -Steve Jurvetson/flickr - creative commons - no alterations to photo.

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