

Top 5 International Security Notes - Sept 8, 2015


[Read the following International Security Notes here]

The digest of International Security Notes for Sept 8, 2015, covers:
  • Saudi Arabia as regional superpower 
  • UK carriers
  • Chemical weapons use in Iraq?
  • China, US in the Arctic
  • Arctic Diplomacy

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Top 5 International Security Notes

1. Saudi Arabia: The Region's New Superpower

The US-Iran nuclear deal, Yemeni crisis, and Islamic State expansion have propelled Riyadh to assume the mantle.

2. UK Commits To 2 Carriers, Fully Crewed

The once "Mistress of the Seas" arms up.

3.  US military ordering troops in Iraq to dust off chemical weapon suits 

 Is there danger of chemical attack?

4. As Chinese Ships Cruise Arctic For First Time, Will U.S. Build New Icebreakers? 

The Arctic is heating up!

5. Diplomacy at the Top of the World

 Who are the players? The stakes?

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A. J. Phelps is a pseudonym for an analyst of global affairs and author of international thriller fiction. Check out his debut novel, Havana Dawn.  

Follow him on Twitter at ajphelpsauthor1.

photo credit -Steve Jurvetson/flickr - creative commons - no alterations to photo.

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