

Excerpts 7 and 8, Serialized Havana Dawn

Parts 7 and 8, Serialized Havana Dawn

Enjoy the continuation of our serialized parts 7 and 8
from the first chapter of Havana Dawn, my debut international spy thriller, serialized right here every two days. 

If you want to download the first two chapters of Havana Dawn FREE, go here.  

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You can go back and read installments 5 and 6 here.

Chapter 1, Havana Dawn, Excerpt 7

 “Whoa there, Mrs. Belling!” Vance Bimbaugh exclaimed refusing to show respect by using her title, after she answered a question about the environment. “Do you know how much your crazy proposal is going to cost average Americans? Where is your compassion? We already have too many unemployed because of your failed economic policies.”

“Gas prices are at a record low because of my leadership,” she began to respond pointing her finger at the dais. “Caring for the environment is not crazy. For cleaner air and water, everyone can pitch in, Vance, including you, to fight climate change. You do believe in climate change, right? Or are you a denier despite all of the scientific data staring you in your fah- uh – face.”

“Climate change is shi-, uh, baloney. This is an example of masked politics dressed up as a scientific issue. Pure partisan politics. What you care about is making the central government more powerful to interfere in the lives of Americans who get up every day and work hard to feed their families. As your next president my fellow Americans, I will work day and night to stop making life so difficult –"

“Mr. Bimbaugh,” interrupted Miss Candy Raddish, the official debate moderator, wearing a fake red wig, yellow triangular earrings, with dark horn-rimmed glasses down her snout for a nose looking up to the overweight opponent of President Belling. Smacking her mauve-colored lips, she said, “Your time has expired.”

“I’m going to finish my thought. This is too important for the American people. You have a political party dedicated to pseudo-science which is aiming to –”

“Mr. Bimbaugh, this is not your radio show. Please follow the rules.” She blinked her small eyes at him in total disgust.

“Candy, I’m paying for this microphone. So, please show respect.”

“Vance, calm down,” Belling butted into the spectacle with a deer-in-headlights look.


Chapter 1, Havana Dawn, Excerpt 8


 “Listen to me folks. Look at them trying to shut me up. Climate change is an attack on your freedom. To limit your income, the environmental agenda…”

“Ok, Mr. Bimbaugh. We got it,” said the moderator. “Mr. Bimbaugh, we must move on. What is your proposal for free education in America?”

“I’m not your Santa Claus,” he snorted. “Work for your own damn education.”

“Oh really,” Belling sighed raising her left eyebrow. Keep digging a deeper hole for yourself.

“Really. This country faces over a $100 trillion unfunded debt liabilities. Who’s going to pay for it – you, Mrs. Belling? You Miss Raddish? Our economy is only about $17 trillion a year, and barely growing because of Belling’s failures. We need to work harder, stronger, and faster to recover from the complete mismanagement by her economic- illiterate crew. We need more startups, more economic freedom, and less know-it-all micromanagement from Washington!”

“My word, Vance. You’re so neurotic. We sure don’t need a shock jock as president.” That’ll tell’em!

“Mrs. Belling, you have not leveled with the American people about the dire danger our country faces from enemies abroad. You have presided over draconian cuts to the defense budget, while playing nice with Cuba, China, Russia – ”

“Mr. Bimbaugh…our topic tonight is domestic politics,” Candy again disrupted Vance’s tirade.

“Candy, Mrs. Belling...the American people..…the #1 job of president, as stated in Article 1 of the Constitution, is to defend that sacred document and the American people. Not free education. No overregulation by the EPA. Mrs. Belling, why are you killing the Zeptran-A Laser which can protect us from an enemy missile attack?”

“Madame President, you don’t have to answer that,” Candy sniffed looking toward the visibly nervous leader of the free world.

Havana Dawn Trailer

Check out a quick clip on the total scenario of the gripping spy thriller!

Stay Tuned: Excerpts 9 and 10

Excerpts 9 and 10 will soon follow. Subscribe to the RSS Feed of the blog to make sure you don't miss any future parts of the story.

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Read Excerpt 1 here.


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