

Excerpt 2, Serialized Havana Dawn

Part 2, Serialized Havana Dawn

Let's continue with the second installment of our series of the first chapter of Havana Dawn, my debut international spy thriller, serialized right here every two days. 

By sampling all of Chapter 1, you get a good feel for the rest of the novel. 

If you want to download the first two chapters of Havana Dawn FREE, go here.  

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You can go back and read Part 1 here.

Check out the second scene below.  President Emily Belling is preparing backstage for the first debate with her opponent, Vance Bimbaugh.

Belling's re-election is another thread of the plot leading to an exciting finish.

Chapter 1, Havana Dawn, Excerpt 2

Get your copy today.
 “I told you to be here before 8 p.m.!” President Emily Belling yelled into her smartphone, sporting the Anytime app to communicate by video (using a secure line) with her daughter, Precious.

Belling’s jaw tightened, her voice became gravely, and sweat droplets formed on her brows underneath the hot lights backstage, just minutes before a very important event in her political career, her life. Anyone could probably hear her conversation given the thin grey walls which together with a sardine-sized area for beauty touchups, spartan chair, and garnet and gold loveseat made up her prep room.

“I told ya, Mom, long ago,” the eighteen year old laying on her stomach spat back at her mom. “I won’t be a piece of furniture for your campaign.” She was still lounging on her hotel bed with her legs crossed and stuck high into the air. “Bobby is texting me.”

“Oh, Precious! What am I going to do with you?” Her clips curled wryly. “Just get the hell here and pipe down your lip. I´ll send a car. Be ready in 15 minutes.” Click.

 “Emily, you’ve got to be ready for any topic from Vance Bimbaugh,” Sydney Birch advised, her long-time confident and Chief of Staff, putting down his smart tablet for a moment. “He’s a vulture on the radio, so you know how he’ll be during the debate.”

“Syd, I’m ready for that big fat gas bag. If he gets out of line, all I have to do is play the lil damsel in distress.” Hahahahaha. “Make sure to send a car for Precious and see that she gets here. Where’s John?” She matted her brows with a moist towelette looking into her own compact from her purse. Her cold ability to wall off family affairs from her political life may have earned her a bad reputation, but to hell with the critics. 

“Oh, he’s scarfing canapés and…well…” The pause told the president all she needed to know.

Emily peered into the studio monitors and there was John, her husband of over 30 years, yapping with a nubile hostess for the debate at Florida State University. It hurt, but no too much. Not any more.

Florida’s 29 electoral votes are always a prize in any presidential contest. Universities compete to be the site for debates between the two candidates. The elegant and cavernous Ruby Diamond Concert Hall at the campus in Tallahassee was the site for the first debate on domestic issues.

Stay Tuned: Excerpt3

Excerpt 3 will soon follow. Subscribe to the RSS Feed of the blog to make sure you don't miss any future parts of the story.

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