

Top 5 International Security Notes - Sept 15, 2015


[Read the last International Security Notes here]

The digest of International Security Notes for Sept 15, 2015, covers:
  • Unraveling Afghanistan
  • Airspace Violations
  • Reversal - Bigger US Navy?
  • Terror Tougher to Stop
  • Russia and West Animosity Grows

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Top 5 International Security Notes


1. Unraveling of Afghanistan

US-led NATO has lost Afghanistan. The gradual retreat of Western forces emboldens the Taliban (like recent freeing of 350 prisoners) and makes "peace" more elusive. While Taliban attacks are down, the number of casualties (like attack on aid workers) is up.

2. Airspace Violations

The latest Russian probe of UK airspace concerns the heavy strategic bomber TU-160 Blackjack approach of the northern British Isles.

Here is a rare video of this aircraft.

Another violation concerns the dispatch of two Venezuelan fighters into the skies over the Colombian region of La Guajira (en español). Caracas initiated a border tiff about two weeks ago with Bogotá to distract from the misery at home. For its part, Venezuela dismisses the Colombian claim as "fiction." (en español). Some observers have theories to explain Caracas' aggression

3.  Reversal - Bigger US Navy?

The current US Administration's unilateral nuclear disarmament agenda is well-known. The leaner conventional military includes a smaller navy while ambitions of Russia, China, and Iran grow. Some critics are calling for a greater number of US navy ships while others say the right mix of strategy and ships matters more. Famed maritime theorist Mahan wrote that the "quiet" power of the navy was essential to peace.

4. Terror Tougher to Stop

The former head of MI6 says it is increasingly difficult to fight terrorism, while other reports suggest the US is losing the battle.Some observers actually question ISIL's efficacy.

5. Russia-West Animosity Grows

Moscow and the West seem further apart on an array of security issues from the Arctic to Syria.

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A. J. Phelps is a pseudonym for an analyst of global affairs and author of international thriller fiction. Check out his debut novel, Havana Dawn.  

Follow him on Twitter at ajphelpsauthor1.

photo "Russian Bear 'H' Aircraft MOD 45158140" by Photo: RAF/MOD. Licensed under OGL via Commons.

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