

Welcome to the A J Phelps Author Blog


A J Phelps, global affairs analyst and author
We live in heady times for both an analyst and author (fiction) about international affairs. 

The tapestry of world history is not pretty, and each day challenges grow for those who value pluralism, economic freedom, and a stable global order.

Ghosts from the past and new tensions create fissures and pressure points in the global security arena from the continuing Korean Conflict at the DMZ to the reshaping of the Middle East in the very lands where human history began. 

The A J Phelps Author blog is of two minds: 1) furnishing helpful information  about global security affairs in the Top 5 International Security Notes published every Tuesday, and 2) following trends in the publishing arena as a self-publishing fiction author.

International Affairs

Fluent in Spanish, I also do research in French and Portuguese. Not all news about international affairs resides in English. 

Therefore, the Top 5 International Security Notes every Tuesday and Saturday at times features articles drawn from other languages.

Make this blog a part of your weekly reading to stay informed! 

Subscribe to the RSS feed and Follow me on Twitter.

Fiction Author

What an exhilarating  feeling to combine contemporary global affairs with the world of fiction for a cocktail certain to satisfy the reader.
Havana Dawn - Cade Forrester Novel
Havana Dawn - Novel

From presidents to dictators and invasions to ballistic missiles, daily international news is fertile ground to create characters and plot stories to entertain and engage enthusiasts for international political thrillers.

My debut novel is a prime example - Havana Dawn


Join me on this venture to inform, entertain, and engage each and every week on the A J Phelps blog!

Here's a simple, easy way to keep up to date -  Subscribe to the RSS feed and Follow me on Twitter.

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