

Top 5 International Security Notes - Aug 25, 2015

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Culled from open sources in English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese, expect a dynamic brief on the news you can use to be informed of the dangerous world around you.

The following notes are not in any particular order. Each deserve careful consideration in the calculus of global security affairs. 

 Top 5 International Security Notes - Aug 25, 2015

1. Leaders of Berlin, Paris, and Kiev Discuss Eastern Ukraine
Sources: Global Security Insights, Bloomberg

The crisis in Ukraine continues to simmer on the minds of European leaders. The stakes are high in the nature of the relationship Paris and Berlin expect to maintain with Moscow. The US made its position clear when Ukraine was told to "stand down" on the Russian invasion of Crimea.

2. US F-22s Deploying to Europe
Sources: Defense News, Jane's , CNN

F-22 Raptors are off to reassure US allies in Europe, given Moscow's increasing bellicosity. In July, the candidate to be the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff called Russia the "greatest threat" to US security in his confirmation hearing.

3. Syrian rebels: Turkey tipped al Qaeda group to U.S.-trained fighters
Sources: The Hill, MClatchy DC

The US only trained 54 Syrian opposition rebels to fight ISIS, and 35 have already been captured al Qaida affiliate Nusra. Turkey's double game in a region of "frenemies" is not surprising. The US-led effort of 21 allies has been ineffective as well, according to the Congressional Research Service.

4. A China, como nova potĂȘncia marĂ­tima global
(China, new global naval power)

Sources: Jornal de Defesa, The Diplomat

Portugal's Jornal de Defesa reports on China's bid to unseat the US a global naval force. One asset used could be the AG00 Water Dragon aircraft which will become China’s largest amphibious airplane capable of landing and taking off on water (and land).

5. Brazil Releases Economic Figures – the Results Won’t be Good
Sources: Global Security Insights, Pew Research, Reuters, Reuters (2)

Presidenta Rousseff narrowly won re-election and victory for the ruling Worker's Party in 2014 despite evident economic, political, and social stagnation amid grotesque graft. Her socialist economic policies have continued to drive Latin America's top economy into despair in the difficult context of depressed commodity prices.  Her 8% approval rating hobbles her ability to lead, like most political functionaries devoid of charisma or vision.

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A. J. Phelps is a pseudonym for an analyst of global affairs and author of international thriller fiction. Check out his debut novel, Havana Dawn.

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